Trident Warriors Logo
from April 26, 2025
to May 23, 2025
3 spots available!
base cost*
(final cost may vary due to personal preferences on trip)

transforming our allied military combat veterans state of mind with free scuba diver training and certifications.

Our mission is to give purpose and provide physical and mental relief to combat veterans of all allied forces using Scuba Diving to harness the power of the ocean and its three-dimensional weightlessness to help recharge the mind, body and soul with zero cost but time and effort to those that have given so that we may be free.

Come join us
and watch us grow.

Trained Veterans
Trained Civilians
Dive Center Partners
Dive Trips

About Trident Warriors.

We are a new organization that is focused on partnering and gaining the support of diver training centers across the globe to support military combat veterans. We invite members of the public wishing to learn to dive to train with our partners and then taking those heavily discounted or zero profit preferred rates to put towards training the military combat veterans.

What we offer

Operation Path Finder

Operation Pathfinder is a project intended to empowering veterans through scuba certification helping them to access financial resources and diver training programs.

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Operation Oculus Apertor

Operation Oculus Apertor is a pioneering project aimed at comprehensively assessing and improving the psychological and biological health of combat veterans with varying levels of PTSD and aims to advance the scientific knowledge surrounding PTSD rehabilitation methodologies.

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Diver Training

We offer all verified combat veterans FREE diver training, all non-combat veterans discounted diver training and competitive training for civilians who wish to support our cause.

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Group Diving Trips

We host price conscious diving trips to bring veteran and civilian divers together to form lifelong bonds of friendship.

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Our Diver Training Center Partners

Click to view any of our partners sites. Don't forget to tell them you want to be part of the Trident Warrior group!


Shaun Atherton
I first met Wayne ”Windy” Miller whilst serving in Northern Ireland in the mid 90’s where we became firm friends. In our short time serving together I found him to be a loyal and reliable friend and colleague who could quite frankly make friends in an empty field. We kept... see more
Tina Young
For my first live-aboard, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience than what I had with Trident Warriors. Those who know Wayne know that he’s attentive, inclusive, honest, fun, and always there to offer you insights to help you be a better diver. After the trip, I daresay all... see more
Gregory Flanagan
I recently had the pleasure of doing a trip with Wayne Miller the owner of Trident Warriors. We went to Egypt to dive the Red Sea. I have done numerous live-aboard dive trips in the past and have to say this was right up at the best I have ever... see more