Gregory Flanagan, Independent

PADI OWSI Instructor

Greg Flanagan was born and raised in Minneapolis Minnesota. He moved to Aspen Colorado where he went to concentrate on skiing after graduating high school. He lived in Aspen and raced as a freestyle skier for many years.

He started diving at age 18 on a trip to Mexico and very quickly fell in love with it. Living in Aspen he was able to take a couple Scuba trips every year before and after the busy winter season. Unfortunately, his diving and skiing endeavors were cut short in the late 80s. He was diagnosed with Menieres Disease which is an inner ear disease that causes episodic extreme vertigo and hearing loss.

He moved back to Minnesota for treatment and ended up staying and starting a painting business with his brother. His disease progressed to the point of Greg receiving 2 Cochlear Implants. He was slowly able to get back to work and ultimately started diving again.

He became a Certified Instructor in 2017 with a passion for Underwater Photography. Greg met Wayne Miller through a Facebook group and they quickly became close friends or as Wayne says “Mates”!! Greg and Wayne were on a trip to Egypt and Wayne asked Greg if he would be interested in donating his time to his cause Trident Warriors. Greg quickly accepted and began his journey to help Wayne’s cause.

He travels a few times a year to Utila a to help teach the Veterans. Through Greg’s difficulties with his hearing and health issues he finds being able to give his time incredibly rewarding. Greg’s passion for the underwater world is infectious to his students and is always pushing them to be better and learn as much as possible. He is also very passionate in his teaching the underwater skills needed to become an underwater photographer. A skill that takes years to accomplish!! He is also a Nitrox certified instructor and a DPV (dive propulsion vehicle) instructor, but his real love remains behind the lens and is a Underwater Photography Instructor.