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David Dulong

I’ve known Wayne since the early days of the lift on diving restrictions in Cozumel during the pandemic. We met by happenstance on a flight home literally the week after they re-opened the port. We became fast friends and over the last few years I have grown to not only love the guy as a close personal friend but my respect for his knowledge about diving has grown immensely.

Many of us were trained by instructors who were certainly qualified but what I think you’ll find when Wayne is teaching the class is he not only will teach you what to do and what not to do but he can actually explain the why behind it. Many instructors will repeat what they learned but I often question if they truly understand the why. Wayne does. Wayne’s style is very direct and to the point and he will never sugar coat the importance of the things you learn. I’ve not yet had the fortune of diving with Wayne on one of his Trident Warrior trips but it’s simply been an issue with timing on my part. I have had the pleasure of diving with Wayne on some amazing dives together and as a dive buddy, I trust my life with him. I’m an experienced diver and it seems like every time I dive with Wayne, I learn something new that I didn’t get from a book or my instructors. When I can carve out the time and commit to it, I will be going for tech diving training, and I will be looking to Wayne and the Trident Warriors to teach me. Not because I know them but because I trust them, and I know the investment in my training will not go to someone’s bottom line but will be directly spent to help those who put it all on the line to protect the freedom of people around the world learn to dive too.

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